Description of The Simpang Lima Gumul Monument

  • Location: Tugurejo, Ngasem, Kediri, East Java
  • Opening hours: 24 hours (Monday-Sunday)
The original Simpang Lima Gumul is an intersection that becomes a meeting point between five road segments. But at this intersection a very beautiful monument was built and was often used as a tourist location by visitors from various cities.
This monument has an area of ​​about 804 square meters with a height reaching 25 meters. While on the ground floor you will find three pedestal poles as high as 3 meters. This number refers to the birth day of the city of Kediri, March 25, 804.
          The Simpang Lima Gumul Monument or commonly abbreviated as SLG is one of the buildings that became an icon of Kediri Regency which resembles the Arc de Triomphe in Paris , France . SLG began construction in 2003 and was formalized in 2008 , initiated by the then Kediri Regent , Sutrisno. This building is located in Tugurejo Village , Ngasem District , Kediri Regency , East Java, precisely at the center of the meeting of five roads that lead to Gampengrejo , Pagu , Pare , Pesantren and Plosoklaten , Kediri.
If the Arc de Triomphe was built to honor the fighters who fought and died for France in the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars , it is not yet clear why and to honor who the Gumul Kediri Simpang Lima Monument was builtIn several sources said that the establishment of this monument was inspired by Jongko Jojoboyo , the king of the 12th century Kediri who wanted to unite the five regions in Kediri Regency.
Aside from being an icon of a city, SLG is now also a new center of economy and trade ( Central Business District ) in Kediri Regency, so that it is expected to make the economy of Kediri more advanced. The Simpang Lima Gumul Monument is located in a strategic area and is equipped with various public facilities, such as a convention hall , multipupose , regional banks, inter-city bus terminals and MPU (Public Passenger Cars) , temporary market (open at certain times) Saturday-Sunday and recreational facilities such as water park Gumul Paradise Island Water Park.

Although similar at a glance, the Arc de Triomphe Monument and the Simpang Lima Gumul Monument certainly have different carving details. Relief at Simpang Lima Gumul reveals the history, art and culture of Kediri.

For example, the area of ​​the Simpang Lima Gumul which reaches 804 square meters represents the year of Kediri's founding in 804 AD. The reliefs on the side of the monument describe the activities of the inhabitants of Kediri in ancient times. On each corner of the monument there are also statues of Ganaesha.

The most distinctive, in front of the monument there is the inscription 'Kediri Lagi' which became the slogan of the region. Because of its beautiful and elegant architecture, it's no wonder Simpang Lima Gumul is often used as a photo spot by tourists and local residents.
It is said that the construction of this monument was inspired by the idea of ​​Jongko Jojoboyo, the king of Kediri Kingdom in the 12th century who wanted to unite the five regions of Kediri. The Regent of Kediri at the time, Ir. H. Sutrisno, realized the idea in 2003 and the monument was completed in 2008.

Simpang Lima Gumul is often the center of Kediri citizens' activities when holding events, ranging from the national jamboree, cultural parade, to culinary bazaars. Every week, a car free day event is also held.
