Hasil gambar untuk curug nangkaMy Last Holiday

My last holiday was a two week trip to Bogor in the west java. I know Bogor well because I Lived there when I was at school, more than nine years ago. I went to Bogor with my family., I live in my grandfather's house, I met many brothers and sister. the next day I visited curug nangka, located at the foot of mount salak, there I really enjoy the cool air that does not existin urban areas,to see  the curug nangka I have to walk along a river that is not too swift, after arriving at curug nangka i immediately took a picture with my family.the time is getting late I left the curug nangka, on the way to the car, it suddenly rained heavily, I immediately took shelter in one of the stalls, after it subsided I immediately went on y way back to my grandfathers house. 
the  next day I left grandfathers house to move to the hotel in the cibubur because my father had finished his vacation and should be back to work. During my fathers work, i learned to drive a car and watch a movie, after that i only ate,slept and watched.
 a week passed, I had to go home to bandung because my mother had to go back to work. when new years eve I toured bandung city like braga, alun alun, and asia africa with my family. after traveling I immediately went home and watched tv because the movies on tv were very exciting
